May 9, 2023

The rise of communism, Survival Tips, and what Bug out Bags are! - With Rob Miller

The rise of communism, Survival Tips, and what Bug out Bags are!  - With Rob Miller

Today’s Guest Rob Miller and I sit down and discuss the Rise of communism in America and the groups that influencing the people in this first part to our series. This episode will start to open your eyes on to the influence communism plays in America...

Today’s Guest Rob Miller and I sit down and discuss the Rise of communism in America and the groups that influencing the people in this first part to our series. This episode will start to open your eyes on to the influence communism plays in America.


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Welcome to another episode of the hammer drops I,m your host laoch. Today we want to welcome back Ron Miller on this episode. We are going to go over the rise of Communism. What bug our bags are? And give some survival tips on something. OK, something does happen. Now, if you're watching this on Rumble, please make sure that you hit the like button. Subscribe to that channel. So this way you stay up to date on new videos that are coming out. I'll leave it to come in as well. Let me know how you how you like this episode. If you're listening to this on podcast, go to your favorite podcast platform, type in the hammer drafts. We're gonna pop up. And if you can't do me the same thing, like the, like the podcast, leave a review. It's gonna help us get out to more people. It's gonna help us break out that algorithm. Don't forget, also to file this on all social media. We are on all social media at the hammer drafts. Now let's get out with the show. Show. And let's welcome Brab Miller back to the show. How are you doing today? Rob, I'm doing fantastic. Bro, how you doing? You know what? I cannot complain. It's Monday. It's raining, and I'm doing a show. So that's all that matters to me right now. It works. So, you know, that's a positive right there. So, so today we are going to talk about the rise of Communism. We're going to this is going to be a multi part series. Series essentially, I'm not going to say two parts. I'm not going to say three parts because there's so much information on this. It's not even funny. So let's just jump right in, because I'm sure this is going to be a nice, long educational episode for the listeners. That's not a doubt. I mean, I wouldn't even know where to start with, except maybe talking about a local. But remember, is going to be crew chef. He was the premier of Russia back in the 60s and 70s. He took after, he took over after Stalin passed away. The notable thing about Khrushchev is that, unlike his predecessors, are stalling, or even, you know, the guy that was, that pretty much kicked off everything, you know, one in back, you know, talking about, like, the Bulls, big revolution. And all that nonsense going back into, like, the 10s and 20s and like in the 1930s in Alvin taking over and becoming the top guy in Russia. You know, you have, after the death stall, and you have this guy named Nikita Kruse Jeff in the first premiere of Rocha. What's notable about him is that he kind of started. These less repressive and. And policies in Russia, we actually started allowing for some, some, not all, but some foreign music, somewhat would be being western or americanized, or American music, art and poetry and books and authors and what that basically media from other other areas of the world that weren't Russian, and that didn't follow, you know, the the communist manifesto to be allowed to be in Russia and to be allowed, you know, for your average Russian citizen have access to stuff. So he kind of. Well, I say to sort of like the beginning of the rise of modern communism, although they kind of start accepting certain things, they're still picking and choosing, but they started accepting certain things that were deemed, you know, you know, capitalist, you know, whatever you want to call it, that weren't follow the manifest manifesto that weren't under Lennon's teachings, or Mark's teachings, or anything like that. So you have that coming into play, and that comes play in the like, you know, the late 50s and into the 1960s. Unfortunately, you know, Chris Jeff ends up dying, I believe, 1970 or 71. But it was noted that after also nothing, if the numbers, after World War two, we had this cool thing called, you know, they said, this thing called, like, during World War two, we had what NATO is going. This form earlier after we had the United Nations coming into play. And even still, you know, United Nations has had kind of a weird relationship with rush over the years, Santa NATO. And during Nikita Khrushchev's time on the 60s, I mean, he was quoted many times as saying things like, you know, communism is the future. Communism will rule the world. We will take America without firing a shot. So this thing, it's called Khrushchev's prophecy. It's taking America without a shot. And it's saying today, well, exactly. I was just going to say that that's exactly what we're seeing today with everything that's going on, whether it's. They put in little cells. I mean, everything that's going on, like Planned Parenthood. VLM and TIFA, just all these different organizations that are Marxist systems. That's what they believe in. It's just, I don't think people understand how long Russia and China communism just in general, how long they've actually been, this has been going in motion. This has been going in motion for well over 50 years. Oh, at least easily. And then that's the thing, is that literally, everything that we're saying today, after we single thing from, you know, like the the shootings in schools and malls, the. Destruction of the the standard, quote Unquote, nuclear family. You know, there's a mom, there's a dad, and they have kids, the. Constant racial divide, the the division. Now we're getting where it's, you know, where people are not even worried about, you know, change transgenderism. And is there a head file following my daughter into a bathroom? Literally, everything is designed to weak in America. It's not only to weaken our. You know, our our money, we can the whole family unit. We can the individual person, literally every single aspect is designed to help destroy America. And like, Khrushchev says they will take America without a shot. That's how it's going to be. Because, I mean, just, you know, I, I try not to get to. Political with like my personal opinions as to what's currently going on with the political, you know, with our current administration. But, you know, it's, it's funny, like, you know, and everybody hears these rumors about lighting in the Biden Administration. You hear these rumors, you don't have, you can be one of these. I don't follow the news. I don't like it. It's too negative types or whatever. I mean, you still have these rumors like, you know, you know, I mean, just infected first, what 100 days Biden's in office. What's one of the first things she does? He cancels the Keystone Pipeline. I'd say the saying that this is a great victory in for the environment. Meanwhile, it destroyed it. It lost thousands upon thousands of jobs, not just for American citizens, but also for Canadian citizens also. Helped increase our dependability on Russia and foreign oil. It also increases our gas prices, helps to increase inflation. And I mean, it's just, it literally trickles down from there with the repercussions on it. And why? Because of the environment? Well, I think that's, I think that's just, you know, they're just using the environment global warming as an excuse to be able to get this agenda going. Oh, you know, and that brings us back to the whole, you know, conspiracy the one world government, the New World Order and all that stuff, which we are seeing happen right before our eyes. And yet, mainstream media, nobody else wants to really comment on this, except for people like shows like this. And it didn't even more interesting too, because you see, and you can go online and look it up there as footage of the leaders of African countries of Nigeria, Kenya, the Congo, other parts of the world. I'm sorry, other parts of Africa, where the leaders of these, these African countries are saying, look, it's a simple as this. American dignitaries, they come here with $100,000 and say that they want to pay us $100,000 to help stop. You know, like sex trafficking and slavery and our countries. China and Russia's some dignitaries over here, and they bring us 500,000, or a million of their dollars, and say they want to learn. Like our military, about our military training techniques, or they want to give us this money to help us to to allow us, or to allow them to send some of their personnel over their troops, their dignitaries, whatever you want to call them over here, to learn about our military strategies, how to train what it's like to live in a tropical environment. Right? It's not a red flag. Well, I saw, I saw some of those videos from Kenya. I believe it was from Kenya, where the leader, Kenya, and they're like, and they even, he even mentioned about America coming in, like, yeah, we'll give you money, but, you know, for. Humanitarian issues, you know, to push for this LGBTQ and all this stuff, like they're trying to push this stuff into other countries and be like, hey, we'll give you money, as long as you're gonna do this. But again, this is all in the it's all traced back to Communism. And that's the inland just did, because, I mean, like I said, I mean, after, you know, with Khrushchev saying, You know, we'll take America off hiring single shot. I mean, first of all, they know for a fact. They will never be able to fully get rid of guns in this country. No, they, they know, they, they know for fact that that's not going to happen. So what do you do? You also, they also know that they can't just do like a full on. You know, full scale, like in the movie, like Red Dawn, where they just suddenly just start dropping troops. They know that that's also not going to work. And the best way to do it is to, I mean, like read some zoo, and he talks about how to destroy beer enemy from within. Read the art of war by some zoo. And can he tell he outlines it perfectly how to enlighten? And I could almost guarantee him. Bruce Jeff and the rest of the comedies back in the 60s, fifties, 40s and so on. I'm sure that they probably at some point had access to his book, because it's been around a long time. I had to talk about how to destroy your enemy. You don't just go full board for a full hard, you know, with every warrior and sword, you got no part of defeating your enemy is defeating it from them, from within. It's. Instruction of the heart and the mind, not just of the body. And the person we do is, you know, first of all, as soon as people. Like with the whole transgender thing. First of all, if you get enough of the population, you know, and there's been a lot of population control by various moguls, you know, Bill Gates and the rest, the first thing we do with controlling population is first to destroy it. And how you do that, you get enough of the population to question, am I a boy and my girl? Yeah, so pretty soon, a good portion of the population is no longer reproducing. And they are, you know, for a fact that a large portion of Americans population is the baby boom generation. And that's our parents generation, and they're all now in their 50s, their 60s, their 70s, their getting older. And have a health problem. So you didn't well know if it ever came down to an actual land war. They're not going to be much good. Next we have what people like our generation. What do we know? Genexed and, I don't know anymore? I don't even know. Yeah, I think, I think Brent Gen Z right now. Ohh **** But, you know, they, they know that a lot of us, you know, are ready and willing to fight a lot of us, you know, our military veterans. It's seen how that action in Afghanistan, Persian Gulf, Iraq, all that mountains in the, you know, from like the 90s to the 2000s. And now they're coming up. So that's A, That's probably what maybe, we're probably what 30, maybe 40% of the population. And if baby boomers, you know, kinda, you know, go away, they die off and what not get too old to do anything. You have the next generation, our kids and our grandkids that are starting to welcome the problem of them, is they're choosing, are you boy and my girl? Or else they're too busy. They want to play video games. They'll want to. I want to play video games and sitting right on my dad's base, and all day, and with my charity and and talk about how everything is racist, because I got, I got, I got a **** you tattoo on my forehead. No one wants to hire me, and I have a little harsh degree, and I can't figure out why I can't find a job. Not that I would get a job anyway, because I probably am heading to work for someone who's probably a racist or a big hit, or a misogynist, or whatever it is, or the transphobic, or the, you know, homophobic, or what it's all, you know, that doesn't matter. So. And in the fact that you have, you know, crushing student loan debt coming down on our generation, and the generation after us, destruction of the nuclear family, I mean, you see the nonsense now that that the need United States need. Oh, my god, you saw that video? Yeah, I see. I couldn't even finish watching it. So, so, for those of you who are listening or might be listening, the United States don't know about the United States Navy recruiter drag queen to put in for their recruitment. Because all military branches are showing decreased levels of enrollment, recruitment, what have you, into the military branches out in our country. So meanwhile, all people here trying to figure out what bathroom we use. And be outraged over the latest this word, you know, misogynist, sexist, racist, whatever. China and Russia are. Are doing way better at educating their children. They're educating children on multiple languages from the age of, like, three. These children are doing calculus in elementary school in Russia. They have record high numbers of troops, artillery tanks and all this crap. But we're too busy figuring out who's going potty where. As you were discussing that, I was, I'm looking for the video for the recruitment as we speak to share with everybody. And it looks. And it looks like, for the most part, that video has been, I've been taken down. But, yeah, but, yeah, the US. Nick depends a drag queen influences recruit new sailors. I think they're regretting doing that now, but, but, I mean, what do you expect with our military? Nobody wants to join the military because of the this ideaology that they're pushing on people like, leave the military alone. You know what I'm saying So I just, I'm searching the, you know, my phone here, and I put in, I put in the Google search, but you need the improvement video. First thing, a pop pops up is, I got a few different things. I got things from Fox News, which, you know, whatever. Another one can be independent reporter I don't know. See, I'm probably a whole bunch of different, you know, various news channels here and things. Everything's saying, hunting on, facing mountains, mounting scrutiny over Navy's drag queen recruitment video. Drag queen fronting US. Navy's recruitment drive claps back at critics. They only hate us when they can't be as well US. Navy under fire over recruiting pitch featuring drag way Our enemies laugh with us. Maybe recruiting real preaching drag queen is, it just goes on and on and on. US. Navy platform directly influencer to attract you to the military. I'm sorry, that's not how you attract people to join the military. That's not known. No. Who's going to want to join it? The military and exactly what our administration and these won't generals are doing is essentially making a tour no nation is going to be afraid of the US. Anymore. And our military. Because why? While we're so busy pushing this aspect, whether while they're pushing this, like you said, these other countries are teaching kids, you know, how to properly clean a gun, how to properly shoot, how to properly load the weapon It's teaching them survival techniques, all of this stuff, math, history, all of that. And here we are in our schools cushion. This communist essentially marks this ideology to everybody. And it's all about weakening us, and it's just terrible. I mean, you look at, you know, other countries in the biggest ones that I like to get is China, Russia. And like I said, I mean, they're teaching at the elementary school level, these children are learning physics, the learning calculus. What's the best way to, you know now, I'm not a sniper, and I don't have, I necessarily military, unfortunately, I do not. But if you are looking at how to properly, if you are in A, if you are a stipe right, or you're trying to kill someone from upgrade distance, you're going to have to know about things like trajectory, you know, history, velocity. We don't need no physics. There's a great deal of math involved. And if you introduce to these principles at a young age, and you're taught advanced math, or what we would consider in this country, advanced math, because, you know, now 2 + 2 = 4 is now conservative, racist or sexist, or something Yeah, stupid math is now considered, yeah. So if you're like a fight, if you're a little 5 year old Chinese kid, and they think you have the sweatshop, and they're like, look, you go a little kid, and we're going to give you a rifle, and we're going to teach you about tree calculus, and we're going to teach you about chemistry, and you don't learn how to make explosives. And this and that, the other thing, meanwhile, your American counterpart is You know, watching a drag show. So You know, I mean, like You don't have to be a rocket scientist. We got something that's definitely wrong. I had a lot of people. I've gotten criticism from certain people I know and families saying, well, what's the big deal for child watching the drag show? You know, we should be accommodating the I have no problems with homosexuals, right? You know? And I'm not gonna be that person to say, Well, it's like, if you say, if you're a white person, you say, it's all I'm talking about. Things that pertain to black people Black babe, when you say, well, I've got a lot of friends that are black, you're discounted. Yeah, immediately you're consider racist Yeah, it doesn't matter. You're white, double, white, double. So anything you have to say doesn't matter. Education level, all your experience, anything like that, which is how we use the found, you know, arguments, discussions, you know, back in the day, what all what? 5-6 years ago, back in the day, apparently, for everything became racist. You know, that's how you So well, the funny thing is, is that now, like, like you said about how the Russians back in the 50s, they started off with, you know, without firing a shopping, it will to inject communism and come over to try to take over America. Well On my website, on the hammer drafts website, I Loaded the speech. It was a speech from General. She pronounced his last name Ho Chien from China. Yeah, it's from China. It's, he was the general over there. And it basically outlines everything in this speech on how they were going to take over America without fire in a shot. And if we look at what's going on today, you have China, they have farmland here, they have farmland. We talked about this in the previous episode, and I've talked about this in other episodes as well, but they have, they own farmland all throughout the United States. And the one thing that's more alarming The farms is how close they are to our military bases and military assets Right? And how they allow it. And now, you know, with the Biden administration, it's being proved that the Bian administration, or Joe Biden, I'm saying, I should say that he's accepted him and his family have accepted millions of dollars from China, from Ukraine And it's funny how we have a balloon that goes over, doesn't get Down until it gets over water. And once it gets shot down over water, I mean, what's the first thing that's gonna happen? Anything that's electrical in there? Oh, it's going to need to be on top in the garbage. So if you're going to send that enhancement now, if I was going to send a balloon or something sort of aircraft over a continent, that where one of my enemies are parent enemies was at, I would make sure that what I would do is I would put in an electrical device. And the battery life on it, very short term battery life, the powerful enough to obviously receive signals to be able to move the crack wherever I want to, but also be able to send back any data that I want. But it also makes sure that the memory on it is next to nothing. So my enemy shoots it down, and it crashes, goes in the water, what have you? It'll be little to any information to my own number. Might be able to recover from it. That's just basic military 101 Right common sense, right? Yeah. Hey, we hate. But we have the balloon, but, and it's funny that blue got shot down. What? Almost three months ago, and we haven't heard nothing since they would have said, hey, yeah, we got the balloon, and we found this information on it, or the balloon was manufactured by this company, or this military contractor, or something, nothing, not a peak How do I like that one dude's laptop at all Oh, what was his name? And then And then they called him the first The first son, that's a conspiracy theory though Axis computer, you know, a fricking computer repair place, tells the guy behind the counter to look at any of the files. Oh my gosh, whatever. So they need to fix you dip shit's computer. And because they have, I mean, it's their job. I mean, it's not like, you know, cuz, honestly, if you really wanted it secured, you should have taken something else. But when you're, you know, you're living, you know of modern living through modern chemistry kind of thing. So you're not thinking 100% clear. You do a little check when they find out, hey, how come there's all these transactions to you from, like, someplace in Ukraine and China and all this stuff? And I guess here's, and I have a question to that. My question is, is, if Hunter Biden, Joe Biden has been in politics for what, 4050 years, he goes back to, like, 70s, I think. OK, no, NSA, their computer whizzes over there. I'm sure I'm sure Joe Biden knows of somebody that could work on computer. Why would hunter bring his computer to a private repair guy instead of bringing it to maybe, I don't know, a government official to fix. Well, see, that's, that's what's so funny. He brings it to, if I remember right, it wasn't, it wasn't like a private repair Repair guy that was like, it was like, I wouldn't say it was like in a mall, but it was like a store. And I think they have, it's like a chain store where they own multiple outlets of the same business kind of thing, right? You know, it's sort of problems like going to, like A, you know, like a target or Kohl's type of thing. But they, they do electronic repair. They specialize in electronic repair. And apparently in that the particular area that this happened in there, there's some well known for being business For X amount of years, and they're very good at what they do, and they're very thorough and professional You know, this guy, he takes it in there. But you know what? When you're high as hell, you amaze what you just, I've been a lot of stupid **** when I was drunk. So, you know, I can only imagine being, I, I'm, I'm crack or Coke or whatever. That guy, whatever his issue is, you know, being a high like that. I mean, this isn't like a marijuana high, where you just want to eat and giggle and take a nap. You know, this is, this is a different hike. This is one where you want to go Like, fight, **** something and like, maybe blow something up kind of a high, apparently, for a minor standing, is, but the fact that this idiot takes it someplace, and part of their job is being thorough in techni mixture that the computer is going to work. And then all, you know, we're finding all these records of financial transactions and inappropriate pictures of doing things. And more financial records, and what kind of an idiot Like, seriously, well, and the funny thing is, I mean, I mean, this whole hunter Biden thing, but his laptop literally proves, and I know that the House Judiciary Committee and committee, they've been doing their due diligence on this whole thing to get to the bottom of everything, which is, which is which is great. But is anything going to happen with Hunter Program? It's gonna be a slip on the wrist. And that's what's funny, is that the FBI gets a hold of the computer, and all of a sudden we have no knowledge of the hunter warden laptop. And the supposed hunter required in the lab talk. I mean, the only way of being funnier is if, you know, the head of the FBI comes out and saying all this stuff. And literally, I did like his bag, the laptop falls out. That's the only way it would be in funnier It's, you know, we have no sort of knowledge, and there was never any **** Now I'm going to share, I'm going to share my Because I just, I put in the Communist Party of the USA. And sure And sure, should I front page? It shows It shows trans rights. It shows communists for Queer Liberation, for the Communist Party. If people have any doubts that that these organizations are, in fact, arcsis organizations, communist organizations, maybe this might help people to realize that it is actually true. So let me add this to the scene here. I don't know if you can see this. Here's the first part of all this. Anytime I see any of these, you know, I call them these new wage media types and your benches funeral's your field goal impacts all week in the paper. Anytime you see them and they're doing a speech talk, college went somewhere, and there's like a good people And these young people are all for transcripts. And this another thing, and they start trying to talk to these people, and they try to engage them in an actual conversation where they have to prepare some things like fast and statistics, that sort of thing. These young people, these protesters, were more calm. They have no information. They're only siding as feeling out of whatever dogma did taught Parent right back at the person that's on. And this is right in our country. This, this organization, this shows just how much How close communism is to all of us at this point? Let's also renew it too, is that, if you pack and what that you look at, the beginning of Communism in Fort Lauderdale, China and in Russia, used to do the people like this. There were transgender north of Houston to homosexuals. I mean, if you had the shifts numbers of homosexuals that were killed under Stalin, I mean really well, here you go with this. Like, I'm gonna scroll through this website a little bit. Now, it says, building unity in the fight for reproductive justice, like promoting abortion Now, if anybody knows anything about communism, like, look at China. China had one child clause. If you hit more than one kids, guess what? China is coming in. The governor was going to come and take the other kid and kill it. Plain and simple. And now look what's coming to America Now it's like, let's push for abortion and granted. I would agree with that. I would say is a different subject for different show You know, because there's so many, you know, like Planned Parenthood and just all that stuff. There's so many rabbit holes you can go down with that. But, I mean, this is from A, you know, again, from the Communist Party of America's website, that they're promoting this all the stuff. They're now, they're also end all races, vigilant and police violence. Now, like, against the police against You know, but I think what people don't understand about communism is that they don't care really about this. No, if they can get you to think that they do and basically, it's one big SIA, and they can manipulate you to believe this, then they've done their job. This goes back problem. It goes 5060 years, but as far as the percentages of abortions carried out in the United States, the largest technical group is the also, they're gonna be, quote, what African American over black union is Huntley. They are like, I mean, I've honestly, for every one white abortion, it's like, it's like a woman 3 ratio. Every time one white members get some portion, it's like 3 black people. So abortion is huge And for the fact that these Yahoo American American communist website, the feature black people like Anybody would have a brain when I have to go? Wait a minute. Why would I want to be associated with that? She blacked me a lot. Did people, did people are so quick to forget this? I mean, the communist group of **** they killed, I mean, I'm just calling. They killed thousands of insectuals, thousands of people who are retained ethnically on the clean. So basically, it's, you look at me, honey, how and what's even worse is even with China. She, she'd pee, just since she, she'd pee in, is taken off Office as president of, you know, the Communist Party over there. Millions of people have died. They are harvesting organs their Religious persecution, like you wouldn't believe. But yet, people don't want to You know, mainstream media, and people just don't want to believe it. I mean, here's one thing that's on the website that The Communist website. It's a bill of rights socialism, and it says, socialism is a common sense path to fair, more prosperous and more democratic USA Now, I'm sorry, but anything that ends in Ism ends up communism Fascism, fascism, communism. I mean, it's They are manipulating the masses with this. And unfortunately, there are some of our political That are affiliated with this. And I think one of the greatest things that they ever have done is convinced the American people that this country is a democracy We're not a democracy. We're a constant in the public, right So twisted. And then there, again, you go looking at these idiots on this communist website. America, you know, the Democratic system would be improved if it were cognitive and like Homewood Psych number, there's an old saying, like, you know, you're picking a **** or anything like that, to talk about vampires, or even from religious standpoint, you know, talk about the devil. And it's, it's just saying, it says the greatest ploy, the double levered users convincing the world that it didn't exist. That's what this kind of crap is Convincing the world that you don't exist, or that your cute woman, fuzzy when you're anything plot, because I should come for past. That person is going to happen as they're going to be looking around my fuzzy **** off. I'm putting him in the log or whatever. And after they get them, You know, beaten me, needing any kind of information they want out of me. Oh yeah, exactly. Well, then now here. This is the last thing I want to point out in this website, because I don't want this website on here anymore, and I'm not promoted whatsoever. I'm beginning to communism just as you are. But, I mean, this, if this doesn't prove it right here, china's legislative, like legislators that just later recover, is this pressured for a new Cold War? I mean, they're literally promoting China. I mean, what more proof do you need about this? That communism is alive and well in the USA. And that's what the longest time, you know, for me, basically is already doing election. And the fact that, you know, I A lot of friends that were in music scene, local Chicago, IL music scene, for some professionals, some semi professional, quite a few very well known national recording artists, people that I knew, or there was like from the front type thing Local business owners, people everywhere that I know, where people start leave to they stop talking again because of your political ideals. And it's not even all that radical. You know, it wasn't like I was saying, or make this country really great, is if we started rounding up all the black people, killing them, or all the Jews. It wasn't even like I was saying anything crazy like that. As soon as I started saying things like, you know that Donald Trump guy, he's got a couple of things. They actually been some that bad. You know, it was all I had to see, all of a sudden, my friends list on Facebook, and we started on Friday. I'm like, really? I didn't say I was gonna go from all I had to say was, you only think Donald Trump's gonna couple ideas that don't sound too bad. Boom. Oh yeah, oh yeah. I've lost So from a party that supposedly so peaceful and loving and understanding, and they want, you know, inclusion, yeah, they want to include you as long as your ideas don't differ from theirs. Doesn't this kind of sound familiar Hmm. That sounds very familiar to me Yes, you know, sounds very like a abortion idea comrade. That sounds like, well, it's, it's the alternate dividing conquer, if you ask me. I mean, they're divided us just to be, you know, we're, if we don't wise up as a nation and come together as one, we're going to be screwed. And that's And that's, and that's why I was talking to you about doing this episode, doing some sequel and episodes for this. You know, obviously, you know, talking about communism, and we could talk about this day and night Yeah, but I think the main thing here that people that I've been listening to this need to understand is that, you know, and I hate to say this, and I need Debbie Downer, but it's already too late. The enemy is, it's not even this isn't like 20 years ago, where the enemy was at the at the gate, you know, 10 years ago, is at the door. The enemy is now inside that house. He's got a knife, and the knife is, it's, it's just A, It hasn't quite broken the skin, but it's Play up against there. We are screwed. You know, with all these things, they got coming down the pipeline, you know, title to that mouth and coming in July. Everything coming down, the pipeline, literally the summer. There's, there's no legislating away out of it. It's coming and the best in anybody can do is buckle up and hang on And before you do whatever god you want, and hopefully you'll come out of your family, what's come out of it? OKAY? Because the **** is about to get, you know, like to see the military state lost. And you better get your **** as **** chill right up, because it's not gonna be, this is not gonna be Rates? No. Well, in two days, title 42 comes to an end. And of course, Biden, his answer is, let's send 1500 troops down to the border that all speaks Spanish to me, so we can get these people in. And mind you, there's, there's like a million people gonna bum rush the border on the 10th. And you've seen the voice from down there. Yeah, I've actually posted videos up on the on our web page. Look, my favorite is the one where there is on the border, and there are Chinese people Yeah, there's Chinese national nationals coming into our country, and the guy is looking like, you know, said, English is speaking English. No, no, no, English. And they're just How long? I'm like, what? And it's funny, like most of the people that are coming, like coming to our order now, are Chinese nationalists, Russian nationalists Basically, nationalist from the Brics Nations that are coming over through our border. And I'm figured, I'm sure not a single one is maybe a military sleeper cell Or anything like that. I'm sure none of them, not a single one, has any political military ties back to the future. They're coming from ship had a single one. Yeah. Well, I actually, you know what? Now that we're speaking of it, I, well, I have a short while. It's for me to video. I don't want to play, but it's an Arizona Sheriff Leon Wilma to show the con job illegally aliens put on the American immigration system. Also mentions ngo's cleaning the area prior to senators arriving to make look like Issues at our borders. I mean, this is just crazy. And then obviously you've got The press secretary is saying, there's no problems at our border. And yet, if you look at, if you look at Texas, it's bad. No problems, and we're sending the stuff to our word. It'd be like going, like, OKAY, there's no problem. So you know what? I got a great idea. They're going to send all of our border patrol agents and personal have to do in a bang up job, because they're truly is no issue at the board. You know what we're doing? We're going to send them ice cream, and maybe have a pizza part of your something That would mean that there's no issue at the border. But when you say, Oh, there's no issue at the border, but we're gonna send 1500 troops Wait, what? And when And when, when Trump wanted to do the same thing, Mila Harris would have an record in saying how she was completely against it. But now it's OK, because the Democrats are doing it Now, the same gray hassles that wouldn't be the community is with security cameras and armed guards and **** Don't want a border wall. They want offensive other house. They don't make sense. Makes perfect sense, doesn't it That is, that's the do as I say, not as I do type thing. So also very big, very big communist comb Redland would approve kind of **** you know, yeah, you know. And it's just amazing. I mean, honestly, I think what language you said, they're here There's cells around here. And I think some of these mass shootings may be tied into that. If you go down the rabbit hole, which at one I have, I want to touch on this, the mass shooting that happened over the weekend. Texas now, in Texas, they finally At least the guy's name. And then on top of that, it releases name. I know releases the book, and they say he's a white supremacist. And in Neo Nazi, how How People that **** dumb. But he was Hispanic, right? Or Latino, whatever. Latino with a game tattoo on his **** hand. Yeah, what was his name? Or gustaf or, I forgot his name. Oh, Garcia, or something like that. Yeah, yeah. OK, there's two other guy that ran moat down a bunch of people at a stop A bus tattoo. Yeah. So So, yeah, the one sex issue, and they said that he was a white supervisor, and guy was Hispanic, Latino, what he was clearly not white. No, and I don't know about you, but I don't know of any. I haven't heard of any white supremacist groups allowing anything but white people in. And that's what's funny, cuz I have a couple of acquaintances. I want quite safe friends, but I have a couple of acquaintances that are members of the motorcycle club that happened to be a I would say, a pro like that. And part of the thing that they like to do is they have to go to writing and yelling at people who aren't white. So I'm pretty sure they won't let you in if you have what you might try to call a dark team. So the fact that the media is playing the office, oh, he's a white supremacist Now, my question is, now, what if we want to go down this rabbit hole a little bit more? Now, with this, with the shooter, and now in Texas now they just mentioned his name, and that's it. You know, trying to put him with the white supremacist and, you know, Nazis, all this stuff. But my question is, I mean, I would love to know, is he an American? Or is he from? Is any immigrant from from Mexico? And #2, how did he, how is he able to afford Like, the Kevlar and AR15 and AR15 that looks like It would be probably go for a couple grand at least My, my thing here is, I'm still trying to figure out how the big buzzword publicly is a salt weapon So definition from the salt weapon, cuz I'm sure we need already painted. And he's got an assault in the end assault weapon, any weapon, can be an assault weapon if they buy a tax invite with it. That's a salt. And I have a weapon. It's an assault weapon, but there is no clear cut definition by either Webster's dictionary Dictionary, it's like the PD botanica. You know, anybody else find a little bit of salt weapon is so close word, right? No, it is because, I mean, let's be honest. AR, basically, it's, it's an automatic rifle Technically, AR and AR15 stands for arm alike Right? So, I mean, nowhere is it's not what they're trying to portray is with the whole word AR15. You talk to your average moron on the street about AR15, they're gonna tell you, oh, ARC rifle. And the 15 means, how many of the bolts it can hold? No, no, no, not even close. I think they should just, I think they're making factors of the R fifteens need to just change their name of the AR15. Is your average politician on your average one on the street? Don't understand these things, cuz the reading is hard. Yeah, well, yeah, knowledge is very hard for a lot of these people. I mean, we've, we've, I think we've learned that over the years Well, and it's, and the reason why I wanted to touch on this particular because with all these mass shootings, they're going on, and you hear more and more people wanting gun control, gun control, gun control. They want to take away our guns. They want to You know, infringe on the 2nd of amendment But, you know, there's two things. One, the Second Amendment was put there, not only for the rights of our owns, but it was put there for is our duty as US. Citizens, when our government goes tyrannical, that we need to put a new government into place, you know. And I think people don't really realize that that's what the Second Amendment is actually all about, if they just associate it with The rates of arms, right? So on a fire. But our government, now they want to go after the assault rifles, as they call them. But they also want to start going after, you know, your pistols. They essentially want you to, they feel that, well, those are weapons of war. You don't need those. Well, why can't we the constitutional republic? Why aren't we allowed to be able to have exactly what our military has to be able to protect ourselves against tyrannical government When that's the whole premise of the Second Amendment? And I like all the cities, talk about how, well, you know, it doesn't say in the constitution that you have to have, you know, done that can hold more than one around. No, I mean, you're talking about a document that was transferred over 200 years ago. These guys didn't have the foresight to, hey, you know what happened in 200 years. They're going to have these little, these little guns off our hand, and they can put like 8 or 9 bullets in it. I mean, come on, they would have sold it in the scene if they started doing stuff like that But, I mean, in some way, maybe they, I mean, they, they had the foresight to put this into the constitution You know, as a fail safe Yeah. And of course, with that being in their constitution, that's why, you know, and I've said this in other episodes, where why we haven't been invaded guys? Because we are a constitutional Republican. Most of the population owns a firearm. How are you going to go up against the largest army in the world? There's no way. America has 320 million, say That liver, probably more. Out of that 320 million, you can probably guess that there's at least 70% of that that owns a firearm. So 8% of 320 million. That's still a lot of people. That's larger than any that's larger than China's army. How are you going to, how are you going to defeat that? You can't set time and time again. That was the whole behind everybody. There's a lot of type of thing in America. But also, too, it's like, you go back and you will get the battles of the American Revolutionary War. You go back and you look at the military tactics from both sides or not. The British side and American side You nine times out of time with saved the day in the battles that we did went against the British, because of gorilla tactics, right? No, you've got largest, most performing in the world at the time, coming up against a bunch of farmers. And what did they do? The British stood single lines and right up there in the open, and pretty much hit them with a rock. It was so easy to pick these idiots off a little dirty. I'm not going to lie, and you're not, you know, I mean, we're hiding behind the trees or ambition supply wagons and supply chains and **** But when you're a smaller force, probably not as great for especially for the time Weapons, and, you know, you don't have maybe, say, the best tacticians available to you, or medical supplies, or even food for crying out loud. I mean, all those poor basters that really forged in their **** off, you know. I mean, it's no wonder So Let me I think we've touched on it quite a bit today when it comes to communism You know, war out of that I hope that this episode actually may be equal open the eyes or help people to start to question out what's going on in the world today and what to expect Because there's so much more. I mean, like you said, we can sit here for hours and hours and just go over the data What's going on? What can we expect? How it started? But the, the, the worst part is that this is not just an American phenomenon. All the gold should be some money out on this country. I mean, I have friends in the UK. So if anybody's listening to this, I know exactly what you guys are going through over there. OKAY, we got no zones in Major British. I'm not sure about Ireland, but nuclear factory England. I'm not sure about Scallop. I didn't work at New England in some of the major cities in England But I know one is one for sure. They have major nogo zones. So if you're a free ones, we say here that you're living in London, and you're not of, let's say, your Muslim, you're not abyss or that, no, whatever. There are certain parts of town, not a lot to go into, because you do not fit the description of that particular demographic group It is occupying that area. So therefore, even we are citizen of that country, you are allowed to own that part of town She has standings because Britain got rid of guns years ago. Instead of them having mass shootings in the laugh with Americans, instead, they have stabbings where people just run up and stab 8-9 people in a row and run off So they do that. Well, they do that in Australia too, which is another monarch, Canada. I mean, they're trying to take the weapons from the Canadians now. So that's a lost country. I don't know if you were what's happened in Canada. They, they passed the bill, where now, if you everything has to be pro Canada. And not just for Canada But the current government, the current administration, right? Yes, it's got to be close, though, and it's going to be pro whatever, probable economy, whatever the answers they got going on up there. So And so, like, if you're watching TV, you're watching Github and just, you know, you gotta get off work. You're staying home with your dog or cat, or whatever you're gonna watch the Netflix and chill by yourself, or your luggage, whatever. Every commercial, every add, every everything is pro Trudeau, Pro Government. It's almost like a V for vendetta kind of thing. With everything being crowded administration and just And just propaganda coming out to non stop What is that? It's also on all in Canada, where you can't discuss, like, anything that's anti gay, anti treatment, gender, anti anything else, or hate crime. And when we picked up and parted off and taken to nowhere 19 states and down here, we have 19 states and five. I think there's nine of them right now that have passed laws to a sanctuary for transgenders, where they can, if your kid goes and says, Mommy data doesn't prove in this while they're going to take your kid now and give them the surgery and all this stuff, which people don't seem to understand. They're doing it's all a part of the plan to depopulize, to take You know, I mean, most people, the soldiers, must be able to work on the factories and make the weapons. Yep, let's pay for education. Less people for health care, less people for everything. Domino effective, it's everything. Well, then what you just mentioned about Canada with these laws that they're passing up there, where you can't We have to be pro Canada. I mean, that is a page right out of the communist China, the CCP. That's a page right out of their book, cuz that's exactly what they're doing over there So it's just incredible, because to me, it says that, obviously there are enough people in Canada that are questioning the leadership Canadian government and for the government, because, you know what? **** you. You're gonna do what we want. Really gonna do what we want, and you're not gonna do alternative It's mind control right there Your freedom of speech, I don't know. I think Canada had a bill of rights, something similar, like we got them. But there's 20 or 30 countries, western, quote Unquote, countries in the world that have some sort of Bill of Rights. You know, Germany's got one France is another one. Canada has one. We have a role, and he's got another law. And it's all long-term amounts that can, like, Germany's got like 30 sums, 30 some odd rights in a bit of rights, because like 20 something, but it's just funny how now you can't even predict government anymore. I mean, you keep it on the public ever, coffee shop and be like, Oh, *** Yeah Now you're gonna get thrown in jail. I think what people also need to realize, and maybe do a little bit of research on, is exactly look into Britain and the minor system. And how many countries they still rule over? We will actually probably blow your mic, because you probably think Britain is just burnt. No, no, they rule over Canada. They rule over Australia and many, many other countries as well Be balanced with you. Canada got its independence from the crown, I believe, in 1981, or two, early 80s. They got their independence from the crown. Yeah, but the Tradeau's still put in place by the crown Time to tell the monarchs. But so are a lot of other countries. And their figureheads, the fact that, you know, they still have a parliament. We got the House of Commons. They have the House Awards, which is similar to our house representatives here, and that what the fact that for some odd reason, especially it's gonna be interesting, i'll sing with Prince Charles, I think, after the numbers, King Charles. Oh yeah, that he's taking over to see what's going to happen under under can, because the queen I thought it was weird, like, you know, twins in the beginning, in the middle of her role. She was my hands on, and then probably I'll ask 30 odd years. She's more about doing the odd public appearance and the more lazy fare about the whole thing. So it's going to be using to see if King Charles now is either being duck type of candy, and it might be a president's intimacy Linkedin, I can indeed, their minimum subjects kind of thing in the parades, or if he's actually, that's what actually implements any sort of policies over there, or anything that matter. You need to be absolutely Well, I think, I think, if Keen Trose tries to implement anything, they compare keen trials to Um, what was it? Al Gore, like he's that extreme. So, and what's in? What's that is during the Carnation? There is protests going all like crazy in the UK. Over this coronation of Prince Charles Our team, Charles, whatever the **** you want to call him. But one thing that the British, well, not the British, but you UK. And that my whole monarch system need to be afraid of is the next keen and queen. Once Charles has gone, because his wife can't take the crown. So it's gonna go to his one son and his wife and his wife is pure evil Run up by which one didn't want to his kids get up the throne. Yeah, Meghan Markle, and I think it's, I wanna say, hairy or something like that. Is it hairy, or is it? Which one? That's the one that's married to Megan Markel. Yeah, which one is still around though Is he the one who's like the old man? He's freaking ballmer. And, yeah, yeah, yeah. His wife, his wife is like, yeah, I listen to her name is, or what she looks like. I mean, don't worry, I don't predict the King Charles to be keen very long Why don't you think I'll even have until an accident? Yeah, like his, his ex-wife, princess Diana And I'm sure he'll probably Everyone. Everybody's opinion, I think it's unanswered worldwide consent that, you know, Princess Diana should never shouldn't. And she would have been an amazing thing. And probably would have ushered in a whole new era of just downright I'm easing this or the crown and for the country, but sending more riddle. Yep. Unfortunately, that will never happen. Now, it's the UK. Is essentially, it's **** like weird. Yeah, yeah, essentially. So, I mean, today, I gotta say, man, we covered a great deal amount. I'm really looking forward to the next installment To this, that we are going to do next Monday, of course. So, I mean, I hope this was a nice little educational communism and what to kind of expect, and what we're seeing next Show we're going to get into some survival tips, and possibly, if we have time, maybe some hugout bags on what to expect, like what's in them and all that stuff. And I just lost you. Rob I'm going to be, i'll be right back. OK, as Rob is going to go grab something So on the next episode, we are going, like I was saying, we are going to discuss more Bible tips. One thing I would highly recommend anybody to go out and get is this book right here. It's the SAS hand survival handbook. It's got a lot of useful information in here. It will help you if you need to build a fire, if you need to build You know, just about anything, fishing, how to dress animals, all that stuff, teach you how to read the stars. All that fun stuff for direction And I do apologize, folks my coat is still MIA. So I'm gonna keep going here. So also, in this book, it's gonna show you cooking fires the best ways to do and keep them hand low keys. So you're not gonna be spotted How when it would be time to leave a certain area, if it came down to it? Literally, it's, again, it has so much useful information in here, teaches you about plants, CPR First aid, how to make a TP Just plants poisonous plants, things that you can and cannot eat. And here is my guy My guy back again. Finally, I Your neck is a strong shower. We're gonna Albert. Well, no, we're gonna pretty much cut it here. And I'm just giving it a low down of what's expect on the next episode We'll be back on Talk to what I talked a little bit about this. But, you know, I've already gotten my plug out bags planned. And, you know, I'm gonna work out a little some give you a good How can I put it? Just some good ideas of what you should have in a bug out bag You know, kind of, you know, the problem with the bug bag is, you know, you're trying to plan for the worst case situation and have a little bit of everything. The problem is there's only so much that you can carry, so much you can hold, so much, you know, then you have to deal with things too, like, you know, there's other things considerable, but you can be caring, but also, who's going to be in your party with you? Are you yourself Are you traveling? Are you not going to be traveling? Are you playing the hold up somewhere? What sort of situations we can have to deal with? You know, it's not just about the weather, not you gotta deal with their martial laws They're ground troops, military intervention. Is there natural catastrophes? I mean, there's so many different things. So we'll go over more of that next week. Like I said, we all have some, I'll get some things jotted down here and prepared for between now and then. OK, yeah. And again, like I told, I told the audience, you know, if you're watching this, I'm rumble, you may not see the book, but it's called SAS survival handbook. It's the ultimate guide, surviving anywhere. It literally was It was written by A special app soldier. It has so much great useful information in here that we will also touch based on. I would recommend anybody to go get this book as well. Rob, it was a great show with you. Looking forward to Monday. Next Monday, to do the next installment To all of this Sorry, I don't follow my chair. Now, that would have been funny for the I would have to send that into America's funniest home videos Far back in my chair, I'm like, whoa. OK, yeah, don't do that again Well, Rob, it was great having you on today. Looking forward to, again, next week So you have yourself a wonderful day.

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