May 18, 2023

Homeless Veterans being kicked out of Hotels to house Migrants!

Homeless Veterans being kicked out of Hotels to house Migrants!

What our President and the New York Mayor are doing to our Homeless Veterans in favor of illegal immigrants is appalling and a disgrace! Today I speak my mind on this subject!
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What our President and the New York Mayor are doing to our Homeless Veterans in favor of illegal immigrants is appalling and a disgrace! Today I speak my mind on this subject!


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And welcome to another episode. The hammer drops i'm your host laoch today. We're gonna talk about the **** that has happened to our the homeless vets in favor of these migrants that are coming over, that are being bused to New York and all over the country. So it's going to be one of those episodes that, if, if you're about in allowing to have. All of these illegal immigrants come over and get free **** all the time. Then this may not be the episode for you, and this may not be the show for you Today, it's all going to come out. I'm gonna, my views on how I feel about it. I'm not gonna hold back anymore, as far as that goes. Because, you know, let's face it, it doesn't really matter. If you were. Here in America, if you're an American citizen, you have less **** rights as a **** **** immigrant. And that is sickening and disgusting. Are men and women who have **** gallantly in the military risk their lives Time with their family to serve. To serve this country, get **** on daily by our politicians. And for what? If it wasn't for our military, men and women, those politicians wouldn't be where they're at. They wouldn't have those nice, cozy, little **** houses up in the hills. Those mansions or anything like that, they wouldn't have the freedoms that they had right now. There wasn't for our military. But unfortunately, it's because their American citizens and their second hand to these immigrants. Did you folks know that if you came over illegally right now, not only do you get a free phone, but you get money, you can. You get a bunch of free **** Why do you think these people are coming here? They don't care about this **** country. And if you think they do, maybe you should look and do some **** research and look at what they're doing. It's and I do. I wanna apologize real quick here about how vulgar I am in this because this, this directly affects all of us And to show you where we stand with our politicians, now, did you know if, again, if you're an immigrant and and I've talked with other with many, many people about this, when they were in the process of buying a home or buying a car, and because if. If they wore, let's just say, if they were Mexican, or if they're an illegal immigrant or an immigrant of some sort of color their chances on getting a house that more than what they can afford at a lower interest rate happens, just like it does with the car. Why do you think so many? You see so many of these immigrants driving around a brand new 2020? 2122, whatever, like Cadillac and all these extravagant cars. Did you ever ask yourself that? Probably not, because we have been taught if we were to ask those questions that we may be a racist. Well, I'm going to tell you, you're not. If you want to questioning things, is our god given right. It just is. And if you don't question things, that's when there's problems cuz then you just like everybody else. You're a sheeple. Now, I'm not, I'm not against immigrants, because the United States of America, one thing that's great about this nation, about Americans, we were founded by immigrants. We all, they came here for a better way of life, and not to be ruled by the crown. And yet, here we are. We're being ruled by a bunch of people in DC that can give a rat's **** about me or you. And I don't give a **** what side of the aisle that you're on. You can be a Republican, you can be a **** Democrat, Liberal, Libertarian, whatever. They don't **** care about you. And the many you finally realize that they don't give a **** about you, and hopefully this will make you understand, or show you that they don't give a **** about you. Then maybe you'll wake up. So like I was saying before my little rant our homeless vets are being booted out of hotels that they were staying in in New York right now. For a mere $90.00 extra a day per room that's being taken up by these illegal immigrants. Is that fair for our for our vets, our homeless vets, for this to be happening to them Do you condone this? Because if you do, you're part of the **** problem And it's funny, because? No, the Democrats will sit there and say that the Republicans want to take away. Vets. And here we are in a democratic run state. Democratic run city, they're kicking out our vets out of rooms that they're staying in. Because, again, or else to go. For a $90.00 extra **** a day. If this doesn't **** you off, I don't know what else will And I'm not here trying to finish off. I'm trying to wake people up, bring this stuff to people, because this kind of stuff isn't going to be covered that much on news, because the mainstream media doesn't want you to know about this, because this goes against everything that Joe Biden and the Democrats are **** saying that the Republicans are doing. And this. And this is proof that it's happening. Not only in New York, is this happening? OK, maybe not so much with our veterans, but they're moving these people into other neighborhoods in Chicago. They're moving into the south side of Chicago, across the street from homes in an old school that they don't use anymore. You're going to put house about 250 to 300. Illegal immigrants in these houses when Chicago could barely pay their own **** way. Let's bring in some **** immigrants, because we are that's just what they do. There's sanctuary city. He's but they don't give a **** because they see dollars and cents. They don't give a **** about the families that it's gonna affect. People that are crossing over our borders right now are not just. Are not just illegal immigrants. There have been people that have been on the territory watch list that have been grabbed. How many of those people that were on that watch list got through? And how many of those people are gonna be at that school or at that hotel? You don't know, because nobody is vetting these people. All they are doing is going down in the **** border. And here you go. Here's a court date for four or five years down the road. We'll see you then. Oh, by the way, here's a **** phone. Here's some money. Here's some food. Here's all this other **** Instead of taking care of the homeless situation we have here in the United States right now, with Americans let's take care of the **** immigrants Let's, let's give them everything for free and worry about them, because they're not American. So bottom line here, folks, what I want you guys to honestly realize right now is if you were not an American, the government's going to care about you, because you're going to be a vote for that. But if you're an American, they can give a **** rats **** about you. And that goes for Republicans and **** Democrats. I'm so sick and tired of even the Republicans right now. Republicans are **** bigots. Democrats are **** libtarts, plain and simple. Now they're neither side gives a crap about you. And that is why Republicans and Democrats fear Donald Trump so much, because he's not either one of them. Why do you think they're tackling them so much? Because he's not like him. They fear him. And yeah, you might be sitting here and listening to this, like, yeah, yeah, sure, sure. They fail sure. Then let me hear your explanation for it. I would love to know your explanation why they are trying so hard against him. And yet they've already proven that Joe Biden's in his crime family, have accepted millions of dollars from **** China, the Ukraine and all of them. Hell, it's been on video that Joe Biden winning his vice president got. The state's attorney in Ukraine fired before they gave him money. So why is an Obama and **** Biden being held accountable for that action? And that was on tape. But that's OKAY. If you're trump, who goes against the crane, who's not going to, who wants to get rid of all these three letter the alphabet, **** Pegasus, I'm sorry. I I might as be stuttering here, but I'm very passionate about this subject. I've got family that have served over in the military and have been to Afghanistan and been tie Iraq, and have got **** on by this administration And what they did and how they pulled out of Afghanistan. So this is a big thing for me. I have family that has served. I unfortunately was not able to, or else I would have. And to see what this country and what these politicians are doing to them. If it doesn't make you angry, folks, again, I don't want to tell you. Guys, I'm gonna, I wanna show you a video. And in this video, it's a gentleman I'll pull up his name. But he tabbed video, and it's, it should really hit home. I posted up on the tic tac page, but it's from his name is John Matlund. I'm not, I'm sorry about, excuse me, his name is Scott Labito, or something like that. I'm gonna play this video for you. And let me share. Hold on. Give me a pair with my hair, folks. I'm gonna get this plate up for you. Hey folks, as promised, I'm out here in front of City Hall. Bring an attention to the scumbags that **** on our veterans. They suck up the milk and honey and **** on them. From the president to the mayor of this New York City, these two men are living in American dream. Once the president United States, the others, the mayor, the biggest city. And they **** on these veterans that gave them this life. This is how we treat them. You throw them out, the homeless veterans, you kick them out because you're making an extra $90.00 for illegal immigrants to house. These veterans ain't worth 90 **** dollars. This is a **** travesty. And you know what, folks, if you can't agree with that, then I have this. I'm gonna just say right now, you're part of the **** problem. It is a travesty that this is happening to our homeless vets right now. Ever since Vietnam and when they came home from Vietnam, they our vets had been treated. Treated like **** It was up until some, you know, when everything happened, September 11th, when we went to war over that stuff, when I read started coming home, they were honored. At least so we thought they were. And I'm sure some of the vets would speak differently. Um, I know that there's a lot of. I know there's a lot of vets that are not very happy with the current affairs of our government and what is happening. And I'm going to be honest with you, folks, I don't like Joe Biden. OKAY, we all know this. But if, even if this was trump doing it, I would, I would say the same **** thing about him I don't care what president. Is sitting in office right now. What mayor is sitting in office. If you're OKAY with an extra $90.00 a **** day to throw our vets out like garbage, to house illegal immigrants, then again, you're part of the **** problem. You know, it's like. You're not gonna get anywhere in the United States anymore, unless you're an old, unless you're an immigrant, and you come over illegally. That's. That's, let's be honest. I mean, use your imagination there, because I'm sure, I'm sure I'm gonna get some hate mail for this, for this episode, or some comments or whatever. And that's OK, because I'm not going to back down from my **** stance when it comes to this. My **** opinion is. Send it back over the border. We don't **** need them. They don't care about our country. There's so many **** videos out there that show you that they don't give a **** that they can careless about the American way of life. And yet, mainstream meters not going to show it Been surprisingly, because you. You can see this stuff over on Twitter because. You have a mountain, you have an owner that actually allows free speech from both sides. I mean, With his whole derm investigation. And let me talk about that real quick. The whole derm investigation would Adam Schiff was all, you know, yeah, Trump, Trump, Trump's guilty, guilty, guilty. And all sudden, Durham proves that he's not. Then it was all a big lie put forth by Hillary Clinton and Obama to go against Trump to get. Because they thought that Hillary Clinton would win, and the fact that she didn't **** him off. So For three years, millions of dollars later, you investigate somebody over nothing. Everything that these people have thrown, Republicans and Democrats alike have thrown at Donald Trump. Trump has meeting. And then you got people like this hairy Stinson. And, you know, bond paid for by the **** DNC, and probably **** taking a load from buying an Obama himself as well. No, you know, you gotta have them shift going out there. Just trend, discredit Durham House. You can't make this up. This is a. I'm just gonna say this as Americans how. I'm gonna trust the people. We're the people of America. It's time that we put our footstown and actually stand up for what is right and what is. What is right is to honor those who have given up so much. To protect our way of life. To protect our freedoms See, our politicians want to continue to try to divide us. And unfortunately, it's working. Joe Biden, last week goes to college, prominently black and just to keep the racial tensions high. He says, white supremacy is the number one thing our racism is the number one thing that is. Going to destroy us, or whatever the **** he said when he was there. And the only reason he said what he said about white supremacy, or anything like that, was to keep racial tensions high to keep. To keep black and white divided. But unfortunately, for Joseph Biden, there's a lot of African Americans that are waking up. Finally, they're smart people. They're all smart. But we've been fed a line of **** And unfortunately, we have gone one of two ways. It's time to stop listening to the propaganda that's being pushed to you on these news channels. And time. And time to open your eyes and actually see what is happening. See what is going on. Embrace your neighbors. Give my handshake Help them out when they need it Whether it, it shouldn't matter, the color of their skin. Then if you see somebody by the color of their skin, that's the problem We're all Americans. We have. We have one common goal is to make America great again. Yeah, I know. I said, Maga, make America great again, because that's what it **** means. But the left will have you believe that. Being Maga, then you could be moga if you're a Democrat or liberal or libertarian, whatever. You can be moga, because you want to make America great again. You don't want Marxism. You don't want socialism. You don't want communism to come in. And that. False is exactly what our politicians are trying to do. With everything they're doing. I wrote an article about exactly the situation, like what is happening by the flooding of our borders to overwhelm the system. And by doing this, it's going to usher in socialism, communist, anything with ism ends up communism. Let's, let's be honest here. So that's what's happening. They're trying to collapse the system, and we can't allow it. We need to hold our ground. We need. We need to be kind to one another until. And don't let them divide us no longer, because we're united. We cannot be defeated. We won't go down. We need to stop the divide. Now, if we want to survive, I think that's why I'm going to end it today, folks. You'll be able to watch this video in its entirety on Rumble and on Rumble only. If you want to listen to it, we're available on all podcast platforms. All you have to do is go to your favorite one, type in the hammer drops, and we will pop up. If you want to follow us over there on any of the social media again, look us up on Facebook, Twitter, all of it, the hammer drops. Follow us. Make sure whatever podcast platform, or even on Rumble, make sure that you hit the like button. Subscribe to the channel. Cuz that's gonna help get this out to more people. I'll provide links in the description below the remember folks Be good to one another. And don't let them divide us any longer until the next time.

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